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The next 6 months will be torture and I’m not prepared.
I might kill myself
I just want to be happy man
I don’t think I ever will tho
Fuck my life man
fuck my life
fuck my life
why am I alive
why can’t I just be dead
why do I have family that’d be sad
honest to god if it weren’t for my family
I’d be in the midst of slicing my throat open
or rather I’d have done that years ago
fuck my life
fuck my life
fuck my life
fuck my life
fuck my life
and it’s all your fucking fault dad
fuck you
for sending me to this horrible school
for abandoning me
creating a void in my fucking heart
not giving me nearly enough love
and when you do you fucking guilt trip me into giving it back
even though you dont deserve it (u weren't supposed to see this)
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck my life
fuck my life
fuck my life
I sliced a cross onto my chest
I posted it on my alt
as a cry for help
no one answered
fuck me
I want to run away
but I can’t
because of all I have to do
if it wasn’t for that I’d run
I’d steal some cash and just fucking run
I don’t know where’d I’d go
just anywhere
anywhere so that I don’t have to go to that stupid fucking school
and talk to the people I know
live the same day over and over again
feel the same loneliness every time I close my eyes
go back to the forest and see her eyes
peering down the cliff
taunting both of our demise
The forest will taunt me to my last breath
it will call out and I will bite
I will see the roots where my sorrow grew
and take a plunge into the cold river
to grow anew