Hunger is an evil which gluttony cannot save us from
My head pangs for more
To be loved for sure
To be craved and to be held
Are sure-needed feelings
for which I beg
In love I can never find
What it never even promised.
In it I can never seem to find
Beauty and peace of mind.
If I'm wrong and so it does
Teach me how to love for sure
Teach me how to never pang
And teach me how not to hang
On threads and ropes
That always tear
'Hunger is an evil from which gluttony cannot save us from.' I don't know why I wrote this as the title, it just wrote itself really. I didn't quite understand what exactly caused my brain to write it either, I couldn't see any meaning behind it until a little while later; it was about my perception of love. I had, subconciouslly at the time, discovered that my insatiable lust for someone to love me wasn't and would never actually be fulfilled through another.